Logistics and e-commerce are two industries with complex and challenging workforce and operational set-ups. Whether small or large, keeping them functioning like a well-oiled machine requires a robust time attendance and workforce management platform that can  prevent payroll leakages and affect business operations.

Managing contract workforce provided by different manpower providers is a persisting challenge for logistics and e-commerce players. Modern workforce management platforms are crucial in helping constructively address common contingent workforce challenges and help maximise efficiencies and cut costs.

There is a pressing need for advanced time and attendance systems to help address challenges that logistics and e-commerce companies face today to achieve better business outcomes.

Diverse. Fast. Flexible. On-the move

Handling a diverse workforce is still the top challenge for e-commerce and logistics companies, particularly given they frequently need to ramp their workforce up or down as a situation demands. During festive periods and special occasions e-commerce companies recruit a lot of contract workers from multiple manpower providers to augment their regular workforce. These staff work round the clock, with complex shifts and overtime schedules. Tracking attendance, managing shifts, overtime and leave is a mighty challenge. 

In these mobile-first cultures where employees are always on the move, a mobile app-based solution that allows employees to mark their attendance on the fly from anywhere in the world is imperative. 

COVID-19 surfaced the need and an increasing demand for touchless systems as touch-based fingerprint biometric systems became risky. Today, more and more companies are opting for contactless facial and palm recognition systems to record attendance safely. 

For e-commerce and logistics companies, it makes sense to have a single advanced time and attendance and workforce management solution that caters to all types of workforce and takes care of end-to-end attendance and workforce operations across their ecosystem. 

Manage your diverse workforce with remarkable ease

Amidst the backdrop on ongoing uncertainty, modern companies are opting for full-fledged and all-encompassing solutions to manage their diverse workforce efficiently such as a single platform that can handle several operations such as shift scheduling, leave management, overtime management, time-based productivity tracking, employee engagement, automated time tracking and payroll leakage prevention. 

These advanced time and attendance systems use different kinds of innovative biometric systems to help track and manage on-premise, feet-on-street, contract and gig workers with remarkable ease. With numerous inventive features, organizations can carry out their day-to-day tasks seamlessly and make cost-effective decisions.

Choosing the right time, attendance and workforce management solution

With many choices available, choosing the right time and attendance solution for your specific needs can be challenging. Key characteristics to look for include:

  • Real-time, cloud-based SaaS for real-time, centralised attendance and workforce management 
  • On-site biometric systems with contactless palm/face recognition, thermal scanning, mask detection and temperature detection to ensure employees at work are safe at all times
  • Anywhere access via mobile app with instant on-cloud facial recognition that allows employees to mark their attendance from anywhere in the world
  • Geofencing/geotagging features to help set geographic restrictions, track and confirm locations of full-time, part-time, contract and gig workers
  • Cloud-powered web punch capability that allows employees to effortlessly clock in/out and to easily access and process data
  • A fully automated system that allows you to automate crucial workforce processes and seamlessly integrate with all 3rd party payroll and HRMS systems

How SecurTime is reshaping the world of logistics and e-commerce

SecurTime’s advanced technology is linchpin for numerous e-commerce and logistics companies in effectively managing the attendance, shift and leave management of their diverse staff. 


Overview: A top e-commerce player with distributed temporary workforce across warehouses and delivery Centres.

The Challenge:  With the presence in more than 120 locations and a massive workforce of 50,000, including white-collared, blue-collared and contractual employees, the client faced challenges in centralised attendance tracking, resulting in payroll processing delays and also significant payroll leakages. 

The Solution:  SecurTime’s automated attendance system enabled the client to de-clog administrative bottlenecks and avoid payroll pitfalls, effectively track attendance of all types of workforce (on-premise, feet-on-street, contract and gig workers) real-time, reduce the delay in payroll and successfully prevent payroll leakages. Benefits included:

  • 12crore annual savings from prevention of payroll leakages
  • Smoothly manage payrolls with changing regulations
  • Establish secure and scalable ecosystem
  • Improved ROI

Logistics & Warehousing

Overview: Top logistics and warehousing company with distributed network servicing e-commerce giants across locations.

The Challenge:  With 100+ locations, 8000 employees and contractual workforce from different manpower providers, the client found it highly challenging to track and make payouts accurately.

The Solution: Leveraging the advanced features of SecureTime’s fully automated attendance system such as mobile apps, tablet apps and geofencing, the client was able to streamline and track their diverse workforce comprised of feet-on-street, on-premise, and contract workers with great ease. The client was able to deliver uninterrupted service to their e-commerce customers across locations, facilitate faster payroll processing, and make accurate payouts. Additional benefits included:

  • Reduce errors
  • Save time
  • Increase security
  • Make strategic payroll decisions
  • Generate reports easily

Why choose SecurTime?

SecurTime is a cloud-based, plug-and-play time attendance and workforce management platform that offers a range of unique features that other modern systems lack: 

  • Track and manage diverse workgroups, whether remote, on-premise, contract or gig workers
  • Track your feet-on-the-street workforce via a comprehensive mobile app with advanced face authentication feature
  • Real-time work allocation; transparent and validated data with 100% accuracy. 
  • Best-in-class SLA-driven sales support and maintenance with remote monitoring, diagnosis and fix
  • Perfect shift planning with rostering function to align shifts with machine time to maximise productivity
  • Lower TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) reduces by more than 50% over 5 years

Logistics and e-commerce companies who deployed SecurTime’s full suite of solutions were able to successfully mitigate operational costs, labor costs, overtime challenges and overcome complex scheduling requirements.