STP Phase 2 is coming! 

Make it simpler for your business

We’re here to help you get ready

The new deadline for businesses in Australia to comply with Single Touch Payroll (STP) Phase 2 is 1 January 2022 but if you can start reporting before 1 March 2022 you will be meeting the deadline. 

While it may seem like next year’s problem, it’s a good idea to get your head around the changes and identify the steps you’ll need to take to be STP Phase 2 compliant to avoid a last-minute panic.  

Knowledge is power! STP Phase 2 will expand on the data businesses are required to report to the ATO in the STP pay event file on or before each payday.

This will ultimately reduce the compliance burden for businesses and individuals who currently report information to multiple government agencies. As stated by the ATO, it will also support the administration of the social security system.

STP Phase 2 snapshot

STP Phase 2 will help reduce duplication and streamline reporting which will be beneficial for employers:

  • Remove duplication and eliminate need for the submission of TFN declarations to the ATO
  • Remove the need to provide employees with payment summaries
  • Remove requirement for submitting payment summary annual report to the ATO

STP Phase 2 will also offer a raft of benefits for your business’ employees. These include: 

  • Reduced effort and error in calculating and reporting income for the purposes of income support payments
  • Improved accuracy and timeliness of payments
  • Greater visibility on how changes to income affect entitlements
  • Reduced employment income related debts
  • Increased equity in determining an individual’s capacity to pay debt

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